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Circle of Dance 

Dancers with Special Needs

                         The CAMP Philly Circle of Dance Program was created to incorporate a greater number of participants from our community into the arts family.                              Inspired by our own students with their own special needs we witnessed their joy and love for dance, which led us to design this cutting edge, innovative

       and inclusive program. We found that experiencing a cooperative dance class experience improved their abilities in the following ways:


                            They increase eye contact with others ~They experience increased physical contact with others ~ They learn how to provide appropriate                                                  assistance  to others ~ They learn synchronous movement and partnership with others ~ They learn how to take direction from others ~

They learn how to respect  the personal space of others ~ They learn self-expression and physical self-confidence.

And last (but certainly not least), they learn to play and have fun!


We will only reach our collective potential as innovators and artists when we invite everyone into the creative process.


If you think you can’t learn about jazz, tap, ballet and hip hop because you’ve got a frame or a wheelchair, then think again.

Here at the Conservatory for Arts & Music of Philadelphia we believe that the joy of dancing should be accessible to every individual regardless of age or ability!


We look at our

Extra-Ordinary Dancers


Extraordinary Movement!


Therapy made simple:

Dance encourages large muscle movement and promotes greater joint mobility. It also improves muscle tone, spatial awareness and co-ordination.


What we Offer Your Dancer with Special Needs :

We start with an uncomplicated series of stretches, warming up our head and arms, then sitting down in a straddle to reach for one side, then the other, to the middle and then a pike stretch with pointed feet and flexed feet, and we finish with a butterfly stretch. We do these in a circle so that we can all see each other on an equal level. Like King Arthur’s Round Table, we want to ensure our seating arrangement reinforces that all who are invited to sit are highly and equally favored.


Benefits of Dance:  Dance is a terrific form of self-expression, exercise and creativity for all .

When we dance, we need to be aware of the space around us, align our bodies, or follow particular movement patterns, which involve gross and fine motor control.  When children with special needs are taught dance, they are practicing these skills.  While most of these activities for special needs children do not suggest a right or wrong way to do things, dance allows children to explore the space and their bodies, and through direction from instructors, will be able to practice and improve their movements.  Through regular and organized dance, children with special needs will be taught to replicate particular body movements.


Experience: Children that have experienced dance therapy have shown a joy of learning, better interaction with other students, a better self-concept, and better problem solving skills.


Your students may have a disability but you know they also have so much ability!




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