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The Conservatory

The Conservatory for Arts & Music of Philadelphia (CAMP Philly) is a pre-professional training program that offers the groundwork for aspiring students to enter into professional training programs throughout the country and ultimately pursue careers in dance, music or drama. Dedicated to the  promotion of high quality education in the art of dance, music and drama, CAMP Philly provides their students access to classes that not only focus on the technical components of their prospective genres, but also focuses on the importance of cultural arts in the human experience.

As members of the community, we are seeking innovative ways to employ the arts to improve and strengthen our community who has become increasingly interested in assessing the impact of their investments. With this as a focal point and the overwhelming evidence that involvement in the arts improves a young person’s school attendance, behavior, academic achievement, and reduction of risky behaviors, the arts lead to an increase in one’s sense of engagement in schoolwork leading to and resulting in opportunities for self-expression. CAMP Philly will impact the neighborhoods' overall educational, physical and mental development.


Our Arts Educators are professional performing artists and instructors and hail from The Pennsylvania Ballet, Philadanco, The Dance Theater of Harlem, The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater and The Freedom Theater. They provide the very best education possible with a comprehensive understanding of sequential programming specifically designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge of the arts. The Conservatory for Arts & Music of Philadelphia positively impacts all participants by being role models that exemplify a commitment to the arts and a love of artistic expression. We have found that authentic learning can be achieved in environments that support communities where young people participate in a social structure that allows them to observe, test, and master their art.


Dedicated to excellence and leadership in arts education, founded in 2009, the school’s vision is to instill a passion for learning, a love of the arts, and the thinking skills that will allow students to pursue their goals.

The unique mission of CAMP Philly is to educate students and to inspire their artistic minds in an ethnically diverse and culturally rich environment.

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